The collective Emergency Safety in action

groupe sgp uncategorized collectif

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« The market for human surveillance is now under artificial respiration. It collapses in terms of margins with a return of abnormally low prices, so much so, that bankruptcies are again numerous. Critical statement that has instilled envy to the main players in the private security market, create the collective « Emergency Safety ». It is naturally that the SGP Group and the Securalliance GIE, led by Florian PETTE, join today this college.

A sector in difficulty despite a growth of + 2.5% per year.

Current circumstances and events, as well as the strengthening of the legal framework that subjects the profession, have led to new requirements and constraints related to the profession for several years but without associated financial levers: professional card, implementation of mandatory training and maintenance skills update, decrease in CICE, stricter regulation of the sector …

Nevertheless, the lack of homogeneity of practices between private security actors is a real obstacle to the viability of the sector (read the SNES proposals for the implementation of the security continuum). A responsible atomization of ruthless competition, which leads to a price war limiting margins to only 1% on average. The low profitability thus leaves room for a decrease in the quality of service but also in the quality of life of the security agents. It is against this harmful trend, that is mobilized today the collective « Emergency Safety ».

Commitments and acts.

The primary commitment of the collective is to act. This is not the first consolidation of the security sector born of a desire for change but it will surely be the first to change the vision of the private security market and redraw its future. Indeed, many times alarm bells have been drawn, but so far no response has been solidly made to fight against this decline in the market.

Convinced that solidarity is the only way to change the sector, these great leaders have decided to regroup and engage in three major battles:

« In the first place, the introduction of a financial security bond in order to put an end to the unfair competition of companies that are created by windfall when they do not present sufficient guarantees in own funds and are often far05 from exemplary in their social and fiscal practices.

We also call for the prohibition of cascading outsourcing, an action impossible to date without any change in the law. This is necessary to make transparency on the responsibility of each actor in the chain.

Finally, we ask that the National Council for Private Security Activities (CNAPS) be provided with more legal means to fight against dumping practices. It is necessary to supervise and even penalize the contractors and service providers who adopt this type of practice and to publicly denounce these actions in order to prevent them.  »

By bringing together the profession, the collective « Urgence Sécurité » also aspires, among other things, to establish specialized labels, guarantees of professionalism and a level of quality respected by each stakeholder, provider and client. This base of common technical requirements leading to a fair remuneration of benefits in line with the economic reality …

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